
2025 ISEE Degrowth Conference Call for Special Sessions

We welcome Special Session submissions! This call will close on 31 October 2024. You can submit your contribution here:

18th Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics and 11th International Degrowth Conference

Call for Special Sessions

We welcome Special Session submissions! This call will close on 31 October 2024.

session is a meeting held during a time slot in a physical place, together with other conference participants. Sessions can have different formats, as described in some detail below. Each session will have a chair who is responsible for the session.

Parallel sessions will be held during the same time slot of 1.5 hours (90 minutes). Special Sessions will be carried out during the parallel session slots.

Any person can submit a proposal for organizing a Special Session. The Special Sessions aim to give space for content with a unique topic and format, and/or groups of people who want to present the progress or results of a specific project or creative contribution. These sessions can align with any of the 10 predefined thematic tracks and sub-themes, or they may also bring in new themes – as long as they align with the conference’s overall main theme: Building socially just postgrowth futures – linking theory and action.

A Special Session can be either “open” or “closed”:

  • Open Special Sessions are sessions of which the general framing is defined by the session proposer and organizer. These sessions will be open to the participation of any applicant during the “call for abstracts” period that opens by early December.
  • Closed Special Sessions are organized within the context of a specific project that aligns with the overall theme of the conference. Presenting in a closed session is by invitation only, as presenters are determined by the session proposers and organizers.

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