
ANZSEE 2019 Conference

ANZSEE 2019 Conference Registration

ANZSEE Conference

Ecological Economics: Solutions Now and in the Future conference

The 2019 Australia New Zealand Society of Ecological Economics (ANZSEE) Conference will address the great challenges of our times: environmental crises and how we can live more sustainably on our planet.

With a great line-up of keynote speakers and panels open to all, make sure you book now. Speakers and panels spans some black humour on climate change from the inimitable Australian comedian Rod Quantock at our vegetarian conference dinner to a panel on the School Strike for Climate (SS4C) movement, with student protesters Harriet O’Shae Carre and Kaity Thompson, led by climate campaigner David Spratt.

Joshua Farley (University of Vermont, Burlington, US) will speak on the future of ecological economics. Renowned in ecological economics circles, Farley teaches in Economics for the Anthropocene graduate training and research program, a North American university partnership that uses ecological economics to create real-world environmental solutions.

The panel on Indigenous issues has Yorta Yorta strategist and campaigner Karrina Nolan talking on the environmental activities of Original Power and Emeritus Professor Jon Altman on a hybrid economy model. Jon was Australian National University Foundation Director of the Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research. Libby Porter, whose work at RMIT University in the Centre for Urban Research focuses on dispossession and displacement will be MC.

Environmental scientist Ian Lowe AO (Emeritus Professor at Griffith University) will expand on population issues in Australia and join RMIT University Emeritus Professor Mike Berry discussing urban challenges.

Plus, we have 20 special sessions with around 60 speakers.

Registration rates are minimal — details here:

VENUE: RMIT University, Swanston Academic Building, 445 Swanston St (near Melbourne Central Stn)

DATES: 24–26 November — optional tours and dinner Sunday 24 November — main conference days Monday 25 November and Tuesday 26 November.


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