
RSEE 2017 14th International Conference

RSEE 14th International ConferenceRussian Society for Ecological Economics
International Society for Ecological Economics
Karelian Research Centre RAS
Institute of Economics KarRC RAS

14th International Conference
“Ecological and economic problems of development of regions and countries (sustainable development, management of natural resources)”
July 3-7, 2017
Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, Russia

First Announcement

We invite you to take part in the 14th International Conference of the Russian Society for Ecological Economics “Ecological and economic problems of development of regions and countries (sustainable development, management of natural resources)”, to be held on July 3-7, 2017 in Petrozavodsk (Republic of Karelia).

RSEE-2017 Conference continues the tradition of the Russian Society for Ecological Economics (RSEE) to organize meetings of scientists, graduate and post-graduate students and professionals, where they discuss the results of basic and applied research on ecological economics.

RSEE was established in 1993. The Society’s Conferences have been held in Moscow and Irkutsk (1993), Pereslavl (1995), Novgorod (1997), Saratov (1999), Moscow (2001), on Lake Baikal (2003), in St. Petersburg (2005), Sochi (2007), Kaliningrad (2009), Kemerovo (2011), Irkutsk (2013), Kazan (2015).

The 14th conference in Petrozavodsk will be devoted to the discussion of topical issues in the field of sustainable development of countries and regions, methodology and practices of establishing and developing the economic mechanism of nature management and environmental protection, including payments for the use of natural resources and environmental impact, assessment and elimination of accumulated environmental damage, development of environmental target programs, management of ecological and economic systems, the problem of interactions between authorities, business and civil society, environmental safety.

Prospective thematic areas of the conference:

  • environmental policy in Russia and around the world;
  • economic instruments for regulating the use of natural resources and environmental protection;
  • ecological and economic problems of development of northern and border regions;
  • development of methods for estimation of economic damage from environmental pollution; elimination of accumulated environmental damage;
  • interactions between authorities, business and the civil society in dealing with ecological and economic problems;
  • environmental and economic problems of Karelia;
  • the problem of resource- and energy-saving;
  • the effectiveness of nature conservation activities;
  • ecological-economic modeling in the field of sustainable development;
  • economic environmental impact assessment and expert review.

Conference Languages

Russian and English – Interpretation will be provided during sessions.

The following awards will be given at the conference:

  • “For outstanding achievement in research on Russian ecological economics”;
  • “For the best conference presentation” (awards to graduate and post-graduate students)

Organizing Committee

  • P.V. Druzhinin, DSc, RSEE President, Head of Unit, Institute of Economics, KarRC RAS – Organizing Committee Chair;
  • T.V. Morozova, DSc, Acting Director, Institute of Economics, KarRC RAS – Co-chair;
  • A.F. Titov, DSc, RAS Corr. Academician, KarRC RAS President – Co-chair;
  • Yu.V. Saveliev, DSc, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Karelia, – Co-chair;
  • Members:
  • V.B. Akulov, DSc, Dean, School of Economics, Petrozavodsk State University;
  • N.N. Filatov, DSc, RAS Corr. Academician, Head of Laboratory, Northern Water Problems Institute, KarRC RAS;
  • A.M. Kryshen’, DSc, Director of the Forest Research Institute KarRC RAS;
  • A.E. Kurilo, DSc, Vice Director, Institute of Economics, KarRC RAS;
  • O.V. Tolstoguzov, DSc, Head of Unit, Institute of Economics, KarRC RAS;
  • G.B. Kozyreva, DSc, Leading Researcher, Institute of Economics, KarRC RAS;
  • L.M. Kulakova, PhD, Secretary for Science, Institute of Economics, KarRC RAS;
  • O.V. Potasheva, PhD, Researcher, Institute of Economics, KarRC RAS – Assistant Chair;
  • A.V. Vasilieva, Junior Researcher, Institute of Economics, KarRC RAS – Conference Secretary.

Day-by-day preliminary program

July 3 – arrival and accommodation of participants
July 4 – registration, opening of the conference, plenary session, buffet dinner
July 5 – plenary and thematic sessions,
July 6 – excursion tours, most likely to Kizhi
July 7 – thematic sessions, round table session, an RSEE technical meeting
July 8 – optional excursions (Ruskeala or Valaam or Kivach nature reserve or Karelian village Kinerma)

 Registration Fee

(For participants from Russia, CIS and Baltic States) will be decided in February (approximately 4000 roubles for researchers and 1000 RUB for students and postgraduates). The fee for participants from abroad is EUR 100.

The registration fee covers participation in sessions and meetings, coffee breaks, buffet dinner, EN-RU interpretation, publication of proceedings. Travel to Petrozavodsk and back, accommodation, meals, conference dinner, and excursions are not covered or charged extra.

Applications for participation in RSEE 2017

Name (in full):
Affiliation, address:
Personal address, including zip code:
Phone, fax, e-mail:
Paper title:
Conference thematic area (1-10 from the list above):
Abstract (max 200 words):
Participation format: [  ] oral presentation [  ] poster

Applications are to be submitted before March 1, 2017, at two e-mail addresses: for the website of the Institute of Economics of Karelian Research Centre of RAS and the conference’s website (will be created later, after the RHF funding decisions).

When e-mailing the application, request confirmation of receipt.

The maximum contribution is two presentations (with or without co-authors), but not more than one oral presentation by each co-author.

Accommodation options:

  1. Park Inn by Radisson Petrozavodsk – Right next to the railway station; taxi or bus (trolleybus) ride or 30 min walk to the conference venue.
  2. Onego Palace – Situated on the lakefront, close to the conference venue; taxi from railway station or airport, bus (trolleybus) from railway station.
  3. Severnaya – Centrally located, taxi from railway station or airport, bus ride or 15 min walk from railway station, bus (trolleybus) ride or 20 min walk to the conference venue.
  4. Students and postgraduates may opt for budget accommodation at hostels (hostel For You is close to the conference venue).