
ISEE-2016 Conference Exhibit Space Available

On behalf of the 2016 Conference Committee of the International Society for Ecological Economics, we are pleased to inform you that we still have a few exhibit spaces available at the ISEE-2016 which will be held in Washington DC from June 27 to 29.  The conference theme is Transforming the Economy:  Sustaining Food, Water, Energy and Justice.

We expect over 500 participants from every continent and from approximately 40 countries, and we anticipate a lively exchange between practitioners, researchers, policy makers, and organizations committed to advancing tangible solutions for a sustainable economy.

Conference speakers include Frances Moore Lappé, Alternative Nobel Prize Recipient and author of Diet for a Small Planet, Dr. Monamati Mokgadi, Senior Natural Resource Officer of the Department of Environmental Affairs of Botswana, Dr. Renato Maluf, President Emeritus of the National Food Security Council of Brazil, Dr. Jairam Ramesh, Former Minster of the Environment of India and Dr. Shi Yan, Founder and President of the Shared Harvest Community Supported Agriculture movement in China. We have also extended invitations to First Lady Michelle Obama,  EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy, US Secretary of Energy Dr. Ernest Moniz, and US Secretary Tom Vilsack, Secretary, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington DC

An exhibit space in the plenary hall and conference center is $950 for the duration of the three-day conference. Conference host is the College of Agriculture, Urban Sustainability and Environmental Sciences (CAUSES) of the University of the District of Columbia. The campus in conveniently located next to the Van Ness-UDC Metro station in NW Washington DC.

Kindly contact us if you would like to accept this invitation or if you would like to receive additional information about the ISEE-2016 conference. I look forward to hearing from you.

Anne C. Aitken
Managing Editor – Ecological Economics
Executive Director – ISEE

One Response

  1. I am interested in an exhibit space although I am concerned about the fees since I am flying in from Honolulu.

    Actually I probably would be more interested in just a poster space if any are left?