
Boulding Award

The International Society for Ecological Economics

Kenneth E. Boulding Memorial Award

Kenneth E. Boulding (1910-1993) was a leading systems thinker who integrated social theory with the natural sciences and moral philosophy. He was an eccentric, provocative critic of the fragmentation that characterized modern scholarship. Yet his creativity, seminal ideas, and constructive engagement with the scientific community were widely recognized, resulting in his being elected President of the American Economics Association and of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Kenneth and his wife, Elise Boulding, herself a renowned sociologist, were Quakers who actively contributed to the international peace movement. Kenneth lived humbly, with grace, wit and laughter, and maintained unbounded faith that goodness and sensibility would ultimately prevail in a world, then as now, seriously threatened by human folly.

This award is given in honor of people who exemplify aspects of the special character of Kenneth E. Boulding with the hope of perpetuating his many individual strengths that combined into wisdom among ISEE members and beyond.

ISEE Boulding Award Recipients

1994 | Robert Goodland and Herman Daly
1996 | Ann-Mari Jansson
1998 | Robert Costanza
2000 | C.S. Holling
2002 | Robert Ayres
2004 | Karl Goran-Maler and Partha Dasgupta
2006 | Richard Norgaard
2008 | Manfred Max Neef and Charles Perrings
2010 | Joan Martinez Alier and Ignacy Sachs
2012 | William Rees and Mathis Wackernagel
2014 | Peter Victor
2016 | Kanchan Chopra and Arild Vatn

2 Responses

  1. I stumbled on the fact that Mathis Wackernagel and William Rees won the award two years ago. That surprised me since the usefulness of the ecological footprint has been questioned almost since the time the pair created the methodology. In particular, and most recently, in the Journal of Industrial Ecology. See the link I have provided to read an article about that.


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